Motorsport UK is continuing its review of the Marshals' Pathway, in conjunction with the Marshals' Advisory Group, and have recently completed a period of consultation with key stakeholders from the marshalling community, including Clubs and Regional Associations. The feedback was most enlightening, and will inform the steps that will be taken over the next 12 months to ensure that the Grading Scheme is replaced with a system that is not only fit for purpose for many years to come, but has been created with input from the people within the community itself.
Upon renewal in August, all discipline-specific Trainee grades (Accredited Marshal in Rally and Cross Country) will be replaced with a "Registered Marshal" grade which allows them to attend all branches of the sport. This change will help to drive volunteer participation across all disciplines of the sport, leading to a bigger pool of Marshals for the organising clubs to call upon.
Further details will be made available in the July issue of Revolution, and all Trainees and Clubs will also be contacted directly.